Every Tuesday from 8.am to 12.pm
Place du marché
Biggest market in the 3 Borders region, with numerous food and non-food exhibitors
Every Wednesday from 3.pm to 7.pm
Place de la Grô
Weekly market with the presence of several stands: chickens from "Rôtisseries Nouvelles", itinerant bulk grocery shop "Prends-en de la Graine", cheeses from "la Crémerie de Valou", flowers, fruits from the market gardener Dominique Préaux as well as biscuits, sweets and cream puffs from "Mon petit chou" (even weeks only). flowers, fruit and vegetables from the market gardener Dominique Préaux as well as biscuits, sweets and cream puffs from "Mon petit chou" (even weeks only)
Every Wednesday from 3.30.pm
Route nationale
Small weekly market, with the presence of very local producers: goat cheese from "la chèvre'rit" in Belmach, or honey from the "Rucher des Trois Frontières" in Apach.
Every Wednesday from 5.pm to 8.pm
Parking du stade
Producers and traders offer their products for sale: cheese, yoghurt, meat (poultry, beef, pork, lamb, etc.), eggs, fruit and vegetables, honeys, jams, beer, spices, oils, ready meals, etc.
Every Thursday from 5.pm to 7.pm
Rue de la fontaine
Local producers : market gardeners, butchers, artisanal charcuterie, farm eggs, Bibiche honey, rice del sol, dairies and cheeses, pizzas and bakeries.