The Chartreuse Saint-Sixte, rebuilt from 1734 to 1745, is very much inspired by the one in Bosserville (54). The layout of the buildings around the church respects the strict hierarchical rules of the order and the functional structure that characterises Cartusian architecture. It is now occupied by a congregation of Dominican nuns.
stdClass Object
[id] => 846146190
[type] => stdClass Object
[id] => 4000048
[nom] => Historic monument / place to visit
[entite_gestionnaire] => 846
[nom_entite_gestionnaire] => TROIS FRONTIERES TOURISME
[coordonnees] => stdClass Object
[num_voie] => 11
[libelle_voie] => rue de la Chartreuse
[code_postal] => 57480
[libelle_commune] => RETTEL
[telephone1] => 09 67 48 36 06
[pays] => FRANCE
[type_georeferencement] => 2
[libelle_georeferencement] => précis
[latitude] => 49,4427385
[longitude] => 6,3263943
[commentaire] => The Chartreuse Saint-Sixte, rebuilt from 1734 to 1745, is very much inspired by the one in Bosserville (54). The layout of the buildings around the church respects the strict hierarchical rules of the order and the functional structure that characterises Cartusian architecture. It is now occupied by a congregation of Dominican nuns.
[prestataire] => stdClass Object
[raison_sociale] => CHARTREUSE SAINT-SIXTE
[civilite] =>
[nom] =>
[prenom] =>
[fonction] =>
[coordonnees] => stdClass Object
[num_voie] => 11
[libelle_voie] => rue de la Chartreuse
[distri_speciale] =>
[code_postal] => 57480
[libelle_commune] => RETTEL
[telephone1] => 09 67 48 36 06
[telephone2] =>
[telephone3] =>
[fax] =>
[email1] =>
[email2] =>
[url1] =>
[url2] =>
[pays] => FRANCE
[debut_validite] => 09/05/2022
[fin_validite] => 31/12/2050
[marquage] => 0
[datmaj] => 30/01/2025 15:33:25
[datecreation] => 09/05/2022 13:44:10
[horaires] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[date_debut] => 01/01/2025
[date_fin] => 31/12/2025
[heures] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[heure_debut] =>
[heure_fin] =>
[lundi] => O
[mardi] => O
[mercredi] => O
[jeudi] => O
[vendredi] => O
[samedi] => O
[dimanche] => O
[acces_permanent] => 1
[tps_acces_fin] => 0
[commentaire] =>
[criteres] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736000294
[nom] => Photo
[type_critere] => 0
[type_valeur] => 6
[classe] => 0
[valeur] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736001119
[nom] => Photographic credit
[type_critere] => 0
[type_valeur] => 2
[classe] => 0
[valeur] => 3FT Tourisme
[disponibilites_synthetiques] => Array
[disponibilites_detail] => Array
[criteres_formates] => Array
[Photo] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736000294
[nom] => Photo
[type_critere] => 0
[type_valeur] => 6
[classe] => 0
[valeur] =>
[Photographic credit] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736001119
[nom] => Photographic credit
[type_critere] => 0
[type_valeur] => 2
[classe] => 0
[valeur] => 3FT Tourisme